Car insurance quotes are going to specifically reflect you as a driver, since the company providing the coverage is putting it's trust in you as a driver. If you have a history of any of the following, then you should not be surprised to find it extremely expensive for you to insure your automobile:
- Accident prone: involved in more than 1 vehicular accident.
- Points on your driving record
- Speeding violations
- Moving violations
- Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
On the other hand, if you have a clean driving record, you should expect to pay a much more reasonable/affordable premium. Auto insurance providers do offer discounts based on your driving record and other positive aspects relevant to your owning & operating an automobile. Some of these discounts can be realized if:
- Automobile meets certain safety criteria
- Air Bags
- Car Alarm
- Vehicle make/model
- Vehicle parked in carport
- Vehicle registered in rural community as opposed to metropolitan.
- Driver has good credit score
- Pay a higher deductible
Speed violations and DUI are the things which can spoil your driving point.
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